Lockdown drill notice
Kia Ora Koutou Kerehana Whanau
As part of keeping our school safe we need to be able to respond safely and quickly to a range of emergency situations.
We work alongside an independent company, Harrison Tew®, who specialises in emergency management planning for schools, whose procedures have been successfully implemented in hundreds of schools throughout New Zealand.
As part of maintaining our emergency procedures in our school, specialised training is being conducted with our senior leadership and staff by Harrison Tew® this Friday March 17 from 10:25am to 11am.
The students will also receive information on how to respond in an emergency directed at their respective age groups from either their teacher or Harrison Tew®.
We will then be conducting a lockdown exercise under the guidance and support of Harrison Tew®.
During the exercise you will receive a notification from the school, so it is important that your emergency contact details are up to date and correct. The notification will emphasise that this is an exercise/practice and will explain that all updated information will then be posted on the school website.
In a genuine incident, should you become aware of a lockdown or evacuation at the school, can I please ask that you do not attend the school or phone, as we will not be able to respond. Your presence or contact may make it more difficult for us or the emergency services to manage a situation.
We thank you for your support.
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia (Tumuaki o Kelston Intermediate school)
School to open Wednesday 15th Feb.
Updated message from the principal.
Kia Ora Koutou Whanau. I hope that this message finds you and your respective whanau and loved ones safe and well. As we work through this national state of emergency, in response to Cyclone Gabrielle, please know the safety and wellbeing of your children and our staff, remains our priority.
We wish to inform you, that based on the Met Service forecast for tomorrow and our inspection of school today, that Kelston Intermediate will be opened tomorrow for instruction. 8:35am start and 3pm finish.
We have emergency response procedures in place should that be required. We appreciate that whanau may be dealing with the impact of heavy winds, heavy rains, on their respective properties and your tamariki may need to stay home. Do whatever suits your whanau best, but just know our doors are open tomorrow. Reach out and contact me should you need any further clarification or support.
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia
School closed Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th Feb.
Updated message from the principal.
Kia Ora Koutou Whanau, we have been closely monitoring this event and the likely impact of Cyclone Gabrielle. Following on from the state of emergency declared by Auckland Emergency Management at 2:20pm today, the Kelston Principals (KBHS, KGC, KPS, SLRP) have met and have informed our boards, that based on the current advice from Auckland Emergency Management and Met Service we have made the decision to close our respective schools over Monday February 13 and Tuesday February 14. We will review things on the evening of Tuesday Feb 14 and inform you of any further developments and decisions at that time.
This decision is made with the safety of staff and students in mind and not taken lightly. Families should continue to monitor and follow all advice from Auckland Emergency Management and regular updates will be sent from the school and updates will be on the school website, Facebook page and via email/text. Again, stay safe, stay connected and take care of one another.
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia
Message from the principal.
Malo lava le soifua maua ma le lagi e mama Kerehana whanau and loved ones. I hope this message finds you all safe and well at this time as we prepare for the impact of cyclone Gabrielle.
This communication is to keep you informed, that our Board and school are actively monitoring this event and all advice from Auckland Emergency Management. As Auckland is still in a state of emergency, Auckland Emergency Management are the lead agency and therefore all advice/direction will come from them and will be communicated to you as soon as we are updated ourselves.
Kelston Intermediate school has procedures to deal with severe weather events and the likely impact not only on the school but also the surrounding areas which may affect the ability for students and staff to get to and from school. Please be assured whanau, that the safety of students and staff is at the forefront of all our decisions. The school will make a decision later today on the response tomorrow which may include a school closure and this notification would go through normal communications channels which will include our Facebook page, our school website and through our email ( and if possible our text) comms with whanau.
Stay safe, stay connected and take care. God bless.
Message from the principal.
Malo lava le soifua Kerehana families. As you will be aware, the storm that has caused flooding and damage across Auckland is expected to continue over Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The Ministry of Education has instructed us to remain closed until Tuesday 7th February. This means that there is no school for your child(ren) this week. This will help minimise traffic movement on Auckland roads whole vital infrastructure is urgently repaired. Thank you for understanding, stay safe and stay connected.
Boys' Auckland Rugby League Tournament
Kia ora whanau,
We received an announcement from the Auckland Rugby League, that the open boys tournament that is meant to be played on Tuesday 20th September, is now moved to this Thursday 22nd September, due to the weather.
Our under 55's, will not be playing in the tournament at all, as the organisers have said that only the first place winners of each zone will play. Unfortunately we came second.
We will keep you updated if anything changes again, but please call us on 8185544 if you have any other queries.
COVID-19 Update - Monday 12th September
Following the announcement made by Hon Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern this week, two key things were announced, firstly the one-off PUBLIC HOLIDAY on Monday September 26 to mark the memorial of Queen Elizabeth II.
Secondly the new COVID-19 protection strategy and what it means for Kelston Intermediate.
New long-term strategy for COVID-19
You’ll be aware that New Zealand will move to a new, long-term approach to COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand.
This new approach will only result in minor changes to the way we operate.
The very positive news is that household contacts of a person with COVID-19 do not need to isolate, but instead are asked to complete a RAT test each day, for five days. Therefore, ākonga who are household contacts but test negative and do not have COVID-19 symptoms, should continue to attend. It is the best place for them to be so they can be engaged in their learning, and connected with their teachers, classmates and friends.
Information on how to get RAT kits can be found here: Request a RAT– Ministry of Health
Mask wearing is no longer required or strongly recommended in schools. Students and staff can wear masks if they choose, but we do not need to encourage it.
All the other recommended public health measures will stay in place as we know they reduce the spread of infectious illnesses including COVID-19.
Practices for us to hold onto:
These include ensuring our indoor spaces are well-ventilated,
maintaining good hand hygiene,
encouraging everyone to cough or sneeze into elbows and, most importantly,
staying home and getting tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.
Kelston Girls College Open Week
Community survey for Master Building Project
for Kelston Intermediate, St Leonard's Primary and Oaklynn special school
for Kelston Intermediate, St Leonard's Primary and Oaklynn special school
Please whanau, note that this survey has nothing to do with the KVP survey done earlier this year. This is for building aspirations at Kelston Intermediate School in the immediate future. Your voice with this 5 minute survey would be most appreciated. Kelston Intermediate community survey: (Please complete by Friday July 8)
Upcoming Events Update - Wednesday 15th June
A friendly reminder of the following upcoming events please families:
1. Transition day: Friday June 17. Notices have gone home about our Y8 boys going to Kelston boys’ high school with Mrs Gates and her team and the Y8 girls going to Kelston girls’ college with Mrs Maiava for the day. Our Y7s have been asked to work from home to accommodate the 400 Y6 students coming for our transition day. Thank you families, for your support and understanding, we will share the progress of our day on our Facebook page.
2. Matariki breakfast: Wednesday June 22 at 6am in our school hall. Today is the cut of day for informing us of numbers attending this event. If students are attending on their own they will still need a signed slip from home because of the early morning start. We look forward to sharing this time with you and celebrating the impending Matariki Day and learning about this event with our students.
3. Teachers only day: Thursday June 23. No school on this day.
4. Matariki day: Friday June 24. No school on this day.
5. Pyjama Day: Friday July 1. Gold coin donation to wear pyjamas to school in support of Ronald McDonald House.
6. Student led conferences: Tuesday July 5 (1-8pm) and Wednesday July 6 (3:15-5pm) please book online for your session with your child’s teacher.
7. School Disco: Thursday July 7, Tickets $5. Venue the school hall. Current Kelston Intermediate students only, wearing appropriate mufti. Time 5-8pm (PICK up and collect students from the hall). All proceeds to UNICEF and the Tongan relief effort. (NB Sausage sizzle and water for sale that night to fundraise for Nga Kakano Waitangi trip).
Transition Day 2022 Information
Principal's Message - Wednesday 6th April 2022
Malo lava le soifua Kerehana whanau,
Following the April 4th deadline and removal of vaccine passes, mandates and some COVID-19 restrictions, we look forward to being able to have our Whanau all back onsite with our upcoming Whanau Day on Tuesday April 12. Rest assured we are keeping to our health and safety practices that have served us well, by holding big gatherings outside (under our new canopy), remaining masked, sanitising, and spacing where appropriate inside our well-ventilated classes.
1. 9:30-10:30am: POWHIRI which at the start of the year, we were unable to do to welcome all our whanau. Please join us now.
2. 11-12pm: Meet your child’s syndicate teachers in a designated safe space outdoors. Join classes with rotations and activities led by our teachers.
3. 12:30-1:30pm: Teams, Hui a Taumata & Hakari (Lunch). Please bring a plate, we can have a shared lunch together, while observing distancing and safe laying out of kai.
4. 2 - 2.45: Whole School - Leadership assembly under the canopy. To acknowledge our newly appointed counsellors and prefects.
We cannot wait to share this time with you and your loved ones.
Please note, that our last day of school in Thursday April 14 and that on this day whanau school closes at 1pm so families can begin their Easter weekend. We have arranged for snack packs from Eat My Lunch to be delivered to our students on this day, and we ask that you please ensure arrangements are made for your child to be picked up or to be taken care of at this time.
I also want to remind whanau that April the 14th is the last day to submit your thoughts and opinions on the 4 options around the proposed Kelston Learning Campus involving Kelston boys and Kelston girls high school, KIS and St Leonard's Primary. Your voice is important so please
check out the KVP website which gives background history and sets our the options for our community.
Then we encourage you to complete the survey and have your say please. (link for survey).
Finally, as we move towards the end of term 1, I want to acknowledge our Kaiako, Kaiawhina and our administration and support staff who have worked tirelessly over this term to keep our gates open for our tamariki and you our whanau. We understand the rollercoaster of emotions and the huge challenges we as a Kelston community have all had, and are continuing to have, through this turbulent start to our year. Yet our resilience, perseverance, our faith and determination to adapt and survive is shining through, and although we are all fatigued and emotionally drained, let us celebrate the small wins and the hope on the horizon. God bless and take care.
“E so’o le fau i le fau.” Unity is strength (Samoan proverb)
Bert Iosia
Whānau Day - 12th April 2022
Session 1 Link to Register:
Session 2 Link to Register:
Kelston Vision Project
Ngā Ara Mātauranga o Kerehana — The Kelston Learning Campus
Ngā Ara Mātauranga o Kerehana — The Kelston Learning Campus
The Kelston Vision Project aims to provide outstanding education for the Kelston Community through seamless educational pathways and strong school collaboration. The schools involved are Kelston Girls’ College, Kelston Boys’ High School, Kelston Intermediate School, St Leonards Road School, and Ko Taku Reo.
A major component of this is establishing the Kelston Learning Campus: Ngā Ara Mātauranga o Kerehana. This would be a shared site for the secondary schools and possibly the intermediate.
This project was designed to achieve the following:
Have an innovative, modern, and responsive learning facility for Kelston located in Kelston.
Reduce travel costs and time for those living in Kelston requiring options and facilities not currently available in Kelston.
Provide greater economic efficiency through shared resources while preserving a blend of co-educational and single-sex education strategies.
Introduce a new education configuration that facilitates schools and local communities working together.
Increase collaboration for school-wide implementation of learning strategies for the modern learning environment.
Unite schools and the community through the values of courage, community, collaboration, and creativity.
The Ministry of Education would like feedback from the community on how the campus could be structured and how this vision for education can be achieved. We would value input from the community to help us shape this project into something that benefits our entire community.
The infographic outlines the four site options that the Ministry of Education would like feedback on.
You will find more information on this project and can give feedback at
A feedback survey can be found at
There is a Facebook page at where you can find information and hear about opportunities for facilitated feedback sessions.
Feedback is open until 14th April.
Safe Speeds Around Schools - Have Your Say
End of Lockdown Exercise - Friday 11th March
Malo Lava le Soifua Kerehana whanau,
Today on Friday March 11 at 9:30am we practised our emergency procedures under the guidance of Harrison Tew ® , who specialise in emergency management planning for schools and educational facilities. The procedures we follow allow us to respond safely and quickly to a range of situations. We are pleased to inform you that our practise today went very well with our students responding safely and calmly. During the year we will continue to practise our emergency procedure exercises to ensure all staff and students remain familiar with them.
Should you become aware of a lockdown or an evacuation at the school, can I please ask that you do not attend the school or phone, as we will not be able to respond. Your presence or contact may make it more difficult for us or the emergency services to manage a situation.
Any information pertaining to an emergency occurring at the school will be updated on our website as regularly as possible.We believe that it is important that we conduct regular practices for lockdowns and evacuations so that we can all be well prepared and familiar with our procedures should an emergency occur.
We thank you for your support.
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia
Kelston Intermediate.
Ph: 0221290213
Notice of Lockdown Exercise
Kelston Intermediate School will be conducting a lockdown exercise on Friday March 11 at 9:30am. All updates are provided on our website. Please do not come to the school or phone the school at this time as you will not be attended to. We will update this website tomorrow when the exercise has been completed. Thank you.
Principal's Message - Monday 7th March 2022
Message to our Kerehana Whanau
Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa Lava and the warmest of greetings to you all. I hope and pray that this finds you and your loved ones safe and well, and if you are isolating with a positive case at home, keep your head up, you're doing the right thing and you got this. For many schools and whanau around the country but especially around Tamaki Makaurau, positive cases in our community have been on the rise, but as always the health and well-being of our tamariki and their household remains our top priority.
The rise in cases has impacted students and staff here at KIS, and no one has done anything wrong, it is just present in our community. So we must continue to be kind and caring to families who have a member with COVID-19, and encourage them to not be shy, but reach out for help identify symptoms, get tested and to follow the isolation process.
At school, we need to keep up our COVID-19 protection practices. This includes regular mask use, santising often, having good ventilation in class and regular outdoor breaks and opportunities for learning through the day.
I know for many of our whanau you want to know what is our online solution for our families isolating at home currently. The challenge with answering this is being able to identify families isolating because of a positive case in their home and then those who have taken to isolation as a precautionary step to stay safe. The reason why this is important, is that our school has not locked down and it will be extremely difficult for my teachers' onsite to navigate online teaching and classroom teaching at the same time. So the following is our online solution at this time.
For our students who have tested positive and are isolating at home, I have kept a list where the details are private and has only been shared with the Ministry of Education COVID response team. I will today be passing on the names of these students confidentially to Mrs. Martin and Ms. Luafalealo and they will be added to a Google classroom named the "isolation station". Here students in isolation will have the choice to join up, if they do they will have a short Google meet with Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Laing or Ms. Luafalealo every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am. These are optional meets for these students and will be more of a hauora check in. Their tasks will be independent tasks that will require some support from whanau at home but it will not be too labour intensive.
For our whanau isolating as a precautionary step but do not have a positive case at home, I respect your decision, but there will not be an online programme for your child because we are just stretched at the moment. Our doors are opened for good reason whanau, as the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education have deemed our COVID protection practices as safe and very good for instruction to happen onsite. So we encourage you whanau to consider sending your kids back, talk to whanau who have sent their kids back, message your child's teacher or better yet email or call me, I am very happy to korero with you about this.
As well as being an educator I am also a parent who have had the same issues as some of you about whether or not it is safe to send my kids back to school. My children are both on the autism spectrum and distance learning hasn't worked for them, I was seeing a regression in some of their gains they had been making prior to lockdown last year. So we looked at getting them vaccinated, we made enquiries with the school and when we were assured their kura was doing everything they can to make it a safe space, we then chose to send them back. But we listen for updates from the school, and we watch for symptoms.
My reassurance to whanau that are undecided about school, is that our separate syndicate bubbles, play spaces and robust practices around mask use, santising and regular breaks and good ventilation is working. We miss your children and we hope you take up our invitation to come back, we can do so much more when they are onsite. Thank you for your consideration, stay safe and stay connected.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Monday 28th February 2022
Kia Ora Koutou family,
The health and well-being of our students, staff and community is our top priority.
We have had 4 members of our staff who have tested positive on the weekend for COVID-19 and are isolating with household contacts. The families of the classrooms these staff members are connected to have been contacted by the school and informed that the Ministry of Health have deemed their students casual contacts and can still come to school on Monday Feb 28.
The Ministry of Education has acknowledged that our protection practices are working well. This has set us up well moving to phase 3 and has helped us to make assessments around keeping classroom doors open. So we continue to encourage our students and staff to be masked, santise regularly, keep social distancing where possible and to keep their classes well ventilated and have frequent outdoor breaks within the day.
I want to thank you our whanau as positive cases have continued to rise in our community, for your open communication and your quick responses when symptoms have surfaced and you have taken steps to get tested and to isolate. This has given us the time to respond quickly and efficiently. Our doors remain open to you should you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Symptoms of COVID-19
A new or worsening cough
Sneezing and runny nose
A fever
Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Less common symptoms include diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or confusion/irritability.
For more information, go to
Or call Health Line 0800 611 116
What you need to do
You and your whānau should continue to watch for symptoms
If any develop, get tested immediately
Then, if positive, follow the phase 3 expectations to stay at home and isolate.
If your whānau hasn’t been vaccinated, please do so as soon as possible. You can book on-line at or by calling 0800 28 29 26. It’s free.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Friday 18th February 2022
Malo lava le soifua Kerehana whanau. The health and well-being of our students and community is our top priority. There are 2 confirmed COVID-19 cases in our community.
We’re working with the Ministry of Health to identify any close or casual contacts of the confirmed case. As a precautionary step we have sent home the students and teachers who were connected to one of our two positive cases. I wish to thank the families we have contacted today for their prompt response and support to our course of action today, we will continue to keep you and our wider Kerehana whanau notified of our progress and any updates today, please watch this space.
Whanau, our COVID-19 practices continue to work well within school by staying masked, santising often, keeping our classes ventilated, keeping to our syndicate bubbles during break times and following our safe practices everyday.
I respect that whanau will choose to take their own precautionary steps and we stand by you with this, but stay tuned to our notifications, watch for symptoms and get tested if concerned.
Symptoms of COVID-19
• A new or worsening cough
• Sneezing and runny nose
• A fever
• Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
• Sore throat
• Shortness of breath
Less common symptoms include diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or confusion/irritability.
For more information, go to
Bert Iosia
Kia Ora Koutou parents and caregivers,
Confirmed Covid Case in our school Community.
The health and wellbeing of our children, staff and community is a top priority. You may have heard we have another confirmed COVID-19 case in our school community.
We were working with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education yesterday to identify any Close Contacts of the confirmed Case. I am pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Health has advised us that no one is deemed a close contact and therefore no one needs to be isolate. This is because the positive case was outside the 48hr window of concern, ie. when the child was last at school.
I want to thank the family for working with us and doing all the right things which has made our job easier. As a precautionary measure we asked parents in the class concerned to take their children home while we worked through the response process with the MoH. So thank you to these families also for your support.
This is good news for us, as it means your children are encouraged to still come to school. We understand if at any time you choose to take your own precautionary measures and we support that fully.
We will continue to encourage students to be masked, sanitise regularly and social distance where possible and adhere to our other safety protocols.
What you need to do
You and your whānau should continue to watch for symptoms
If any develop, get tested immediately
Then, stay at home until you receive the result
If your whānau hasn’t been vaccinated, please do so as soon as possible. You can book on-line at or by calling 0800 28 29 26. It’s free.
What we’re doing
Kelston Intermediate school will stay open
We have appropriate public health measures and cleaning procedures in place
Symptoms of COVID-19
A new or worsening cough
Sneezing and runny nose
A fever
Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Less common symptoms include diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or confusion/irritability.
For more information, go to
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Sunday 13th February 2022
Kia Ora Koutou Kerehana whanau. The health and wellbeing of our children, staff and community is a top priority. Please read the letter we are emailing out to you and posting on Facebook, as I inform you that there’s a confirmed COVID-19 case in our community.
A member of my admin staff had tested positive on Friday February 11 and had been working onsite on Tuesday 8 of Feb and Wednesday 9 Feb before isolating. We have been working closely with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, and following their guidelines and protocols we have determined:
No students are deemed close contacts
3 members of my admin team and myself have been designated close contacts as we work specifically in the office and admin area. We are currently isolating for 10 days.
Ministry of Education agrees our COVID 19 safety protocols and practices are working and school is safe to resume tomorrow. We encourage our students to continue to mask, sanitize often and follow our safety protocols.
I will continue to work remotely but Kiri Laing will be our acting Principal onsite and will be supported by our Deputy Principals Maddie Gates and Mandy Martin.
Please read the attached letter for steps we can and will be taking now, watch for symptoms and get tested immediately if you are concerned.
Feel confident whanau that our safety practices are working and know that are here if you need to reach out to us. Continue to stay safe Kerehana, we got this.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Monday 31st January 2022
Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, tēnā koutou katoa i roto i ngā āhuatanga o te wā.
Welcome back after what we hope has been a wonderful and safe summer for your whānau and loved ones.
Our team is feeling refreshed and ready to go for the 2022 year and can’t wait to welcome everyone back onsite. We are optimistic that our school will remain open during term time, and would only return to distance learning if instructed to close by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. If there are whanau with concerns, please reach out to us and let’s korero together openly and safely.
We will continue to keep our school environment a safe place to be (both physically and emotionally), with our focus on student progress and academic achievement. Teachers have been working hard to prepare for 2022 and we cannot wait to connect with your tamariki.
In regard to COVID-19 we have moved fully into the new traffic light framework for all our school and kura activities and events this year. Our attached docs will show the COVID 19 framework for Kura, and Kelston Intermediate will be working with this throughout the Red setting, so we are able to support everyone learning onsite.
Events and activities
Large hui and gatherings especially when indoors continue to be one of the riskier activities we can undertake. We have therefore reviewed all our events and activities for the upcoming term to ensure we meet the health guidance for Red.
At Kelston Intermediate, having our Powhiri on the first day of school is highly valued, to enable us to welcome whanau back and to safely receive and guide our new whanau into our space for learning.
But we do so cautiously. We acknowledge the anxiety that may sit amongst our whanau and we offer this considered invitation.
To manage our numbers safely we ask whanau to please note the following. On Wednesday February 2 the office will not be opened until 11am for whanau to purchase uniform or make enquiries. Our gates will be closed shortly after 9am.
All students, teachers, whanau and visitors are to be masked when coming onsite.
We ask our Y8 whanau to please just drop off your Y8 child at the gate at 8:30am, I will be there to greet and direct them straight to their classroom where there Kaiako (teacher) will be eagerly awaiting them.
9am Powhiri:
1. We welcome our Y7 students and new Y8 students (starting at KIS just this year) to come to our gates.
2. Ideally, we would ask for students to just be dropped off but Whanau of Y7 and new Y8 students are welcome to join us for our powhiri.
3. My team and I will remind you to be masked and then we will sort you into groups to direct you to our open air powhiri on the turfed court area and the designated spot we have for you to safely gather.
4. The Powhiri will be led by Matua Anaru and Whaea Terina Hetaraka and the Y8 Nga Kakano students. It should be 15 minutes long and will conclude with farewells on the court and Y7 students being taken to their new classroom by my staff and I.
This is not ideal, but it is what we can safely manage at this time. We will have opportunities this term with our Kai huihui evening (meet the teacher night) and Whanau day to reconnect with all safely, as this is important to us. We will keep you updated, but until then we look forward to seeing your children on Wednesday Feb 2 and we ask that you and your loved ones stay safe, stay connected. God bless.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Sunday 23rd January 2022
Kia Ora Koutou and Talofa lava Kelston Intermediate Families
As you would have heard the whole of NZ will move to Red under the Covid Traffic Light System tonight at 11:59pm. This means that any visitor or parent wanting access to our school for enrolments or the purchasing of uniforms and stationery during Red must wear a mask and report straight to the office to scan in and sanitise. You can gain access to school by calling the office on (09) 818 5544 between 8:30am-3:30pm and Thursday till 5pm. If we are fully vaccinated and have been for the past 4 months, then we are being encouraged to book in for our booster shot as that adds a strong layer of protection. Talk to whānau, talk to medical professions and see if this is right for you and your whānau.
Let’s make sure that we all play our part in keeping ourselves safe so that we beat Omicron and that our children can return to school safely. We plan to be back at school on Wednesday 2nd February and we want all our students to return on that day. Mrs Laing will be sharing our Covid Safety Plan later this week which will outline how we will safely return to school.
If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to email me or call me on 0221290213. We are awaiting further information from the Ministry about our next steps but I am happy to talk to what I know and inform you as much as I can.
Stay safe, stay connected. God bless.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Tuesday 7th December 2021
Kia Ora Koutou and the warmest of greetings to you our Kerehana whanau,
On behalf of our Board of Trustees and the staff of Kelston Intermediate school we hope you, your households and your loved ones are all safe and well. As we roll into our last two weeks of school there are a few things to please take note of.
Enrolments for 2022 are still happening and the office can be accessed from 9am - 3pm and Miss Keenan is accessible with email enquiries also. FYI that early in 2022 Kelston Intermediate will move to a zoning system so hopefully people have completed the community consultation link that has been on our Facebook page and school website. We thank families who have done so now, and we encourage our Y8 families to ensure their child is enrolled for High School now, especially with Kelston Boys High School and Kelston Girls College, as we can help with any transition data that they require.
SLC & Reports: Will be sent out this week so please check your mailboxes or your email if that was personally requested through your teacher. We thank our whanau who made the time for students to present their Taumata Angitu and korero with Kaiako about their learning journey and next steps for 2022.
Hui a Taumata final assembly: We regret we will not have the opportunity to acknowledge and honour our students who have gained a Taumata award in the latter half of this year, but we will have an online celebration happening on Wednesday 8th December from 9am -10:30am.
Device collection: We have near 140 devices currently being utilized by students, which has been great to see. Following our Hui A Taumata assembly, we will need to collect devices back so would like families to come to school (wearing masks and observing social distancing) to drop off devices for return to Miss Lord who will be based in the hall from 12pm - 3pm on Wednesday 8th December, 9am to 3pm on Thursday 9th December and Friday 10th December. Be assured that staff on site are fully vaccinated.
Tuku Taonga (End of year prizegiving): Unfortunately we are unable to celebrate the success of students over the year with our major prize giving assembly, so we have been working hard to have a pre-recorded celebration which we will screen online on Monday 13th December from 9:30am onwards.
Uniform sales and office access 2022: The office will re open on Monday January 17 for the sale of uniforms and stationery packs. A reminder from January 1st 2022, our staff will be all fully vaccinated, people who come onsite will need to be masked and observe social distancing. An online shopping option will be made available if that is what suits whanau.
Y8 graduation: Tuesday 14th December 9:15am onwards a pre recorded clip will come onto our Facebook page.
Onsite school will end: Tuesday 14th December school will end at 12pm please parents make arrangements for this.
2022: Any questions or queries please contact myself
Principal's Return to School Message - Friday 12th November 2021
Proposed Enrolment Zone Consultation
Principal's Message - Friday 5th November 2021
Kia Ora Koutou Whānau,
I hope this finds you and your whanau and loved ones safe and well. At the moment the government is considering whether Years 1-8 can return to school tentatively on the 15th of November.
We do not know as yet whether this will happen and what it will look like, I am staying connected and hope to have some direction early next week..
However, I have put it past the Board that it is important to gather your voice and find out how many of you would send your children back if it was decided schools would open on the 15th. This forum can also be used to gauge your thoughts around this possibility and how you are feeling about it.
Please remember you can contact me directly either by email or phone 0221290213 if you wish to korero or have a worry or concern. I appreciate you will have many things you will be reflecting on so please know our door is always opened, thank you for your time and consideration with this survey
Survey link
Online Learning Update - Wednesday 3rd November 2021
Kia ora koutou whānau,
We hope that you have been well during the lockdown over the past ten weeks. It has been great to see students return to online learning in Term 4. From Thursday 4th November we will only be having one session per day from 9am-10:30am.
As always, our main priority is to ensure the hauora of all our tamariki and their whānau are at the forefront. Over the past 10 weeks of online learning, kaiako have kept a daily record of student online attendance and engagement. After a weekly analysis of our online learning data across the kura, we noticed a decline of student attendance in the second session from 12pm - 1pm. This may be the result of many different reasons, however, we feel due to the prolonged lockdown Online Fatigue is potentially a key factor. Therefore, we have decided that we will move back to one session per day from 9am-10:30am daily from Thursday 4 November. This is a positive change for the betterment of our tamariki and our kaiako. We thank you for your continued support towards encouraging your tamariki to be online daily, as we will continue to provide engaging learning opportunities socially, culturally and academically for them.
Furthermore, as we tentatively plan for a safe return to school on the indicative date of the 15th November provided by the government, over the next week kaiako will be asking families to indicate whether or not your child will be returning to school. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
Principal's Message - Thursday 14th October 2021
Kia Ora koutou whanau
A friendly reminder that on Monday October 18 Kelston Intermediate school will be closed, and that we will be rolling out distance learning with your child's kaiako at 9am to 10:30am and 12-1pm. However if there are students whose parents are essential workers and you require our support, please email me and I will get back to you tomorrow or over the weekend to confirm details.
Thank you whanau for your patience and understanding as schools work closely with Ministry of Education around the implementation of the mandated directives that were announced earlier this week. Thank you for the aroha shown for teachers, but we appreciate that you maybe feeling some anxiety or concern, so please be encouraged to reach out to me anytime. My number is 0221290213, although I am still gathering clarification from Ministry about some logistical things, my door is always opened to you anytime, so don't sit with doubt please reach out to me and talanoa.
Whanau if you have the time I would appreciate more of our whanau giving feedback through our survey link This feedback will give me insight around what is working well at Kelston Intermediate and what can be improved. Any time and input you can provide me with this will be most appreciated. Stay safe, stay connected and God bless.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Tuesday 12th October 2021
Kia Ora Koutou Kerehana Whanau,
I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well, I am sure we have all heard the announcement yesterday by our Prime Minister and may be feeling relief, anxiety and have questions about how these new decisions will be implemented. I had received last night some initial guidance and expect there to be more fuller information tomorrow.
As it stands we know that
We will not all be back at school on the 18th October, however at home/distance learning will resume, we will detail what this will look like later this week
We will be required to keep a record of the COVID vaccination status of all students in much the same we we already keep other vaccination information
All staff will be required to be vaccinated before January 1 2022
All staff will be required to provide a negative COVID test prior to returning to work.
At present I don't have the details about 'how' we are going to implement the new directives and the leadership team will be working on this over the next few days and updating our guidelines. I hope to be able to get this information to you as soon as possible, including if how we will open for any students of essential workers during level 3.
Mandatory vaccination has been a huge call for the education sector, hopefully this will provide some assurances to staff, students and families as we plan to re open schools during term 4.
For now, the very best thing you can do is get yourself vaccinated. I was reminded today that vaccinations offer protection against transmission, as well as being shown to reduce the likelihood of the more serious versions of the virus. If you have questions about vaccines - read the COVID vaccine site or check with your GP or your child's medical team
We are proud of how our Kerehana community has responded to this outbreak, but the mahi isn’t yet done. Please continue to follow all the alert level requirements including staying safe by staying at home and getting tested for COVID-19 if you are feeling unwell, and for your own sake and for the health of your whānau, I encourage us all to please get vaccinated.
I will be back in touch later this week with more information .
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Tuesday 28th September 2021
Kia Ora Koutou whanau,
I hope and pray this finds you and your whanau safe and well within your respective bubbles managing the transition of Alert levels well. Just as a heads up, in anticipation of moving to level 2, I have asked teachers to cancel online learning for this coming Friday, as I need a half day with staff to plan and prepare for our return to school.
Teachers will leave work for students to independently work through at 9am and then again at 12pm, if they keep to their scheduling this will keep them focused for the day. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I have a limited window of days to work with before the holidays, where there will be no online learning from Monday October 4 until Friday October 15.
If all goes according to plan we should be back at school for Monday October 18 operating at level 2. During the holidays I will keep whanau informed of school updates etc via our online platforms so you have a clear idea of what our procedures and protocols will be in place for you children prior to day 1. Any questions about enrolments, transitions etc, please email the office ( and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
A friendly reminder also whanau, if possible can you please find some time to complete our community survey ( to give me an indication of what is working well at our kura and what can be strengthened, that data would be invaluable for me.
Take care, stay connected and stay safe whanau.
Bert Iosia
Principal's Message - Friday 24th September 2021
Kia Ora Koutou whanau, I hope you are all well and safe in your respective bubbles especially as we have transitioned to level 3. I invite you all to join us for our community hui on Monday September 27 at 7pm.
As I am new to Kelston Intermediate and our community, I would like to hear from families in terms of what you love and value as important at our kura and what we could perhaps be doing better. So I would appreciate it if families could please take the time to click the following link and complete this survey for me. Your feedback and input would be invaluable. Have a good end to the week, stay safe, stay connected and take care. God bless
Bert Iosia
Te Whānau o Waipareira
Covid-19 Vaccine Bus “Wai-Vaximus” will be in our neighbourhood - Friday 24th September, 9am to 2.30pm
WHERE: Kelston Boys High School, entrance on Archibald Road Kelston
WHEN: Friday 24th September - 9am to 2:30pm
WHAT else you need to know:
* No appointments needed
* No ID needed
* Clinical Practitioners will be onsite supporting with vaccination and health advice
* Waipareira Kaimahi will be onsite providing manaaki to our whānau coming through
* If you require any type of assistance, please let the team know
For more information and updates please visit the Waipareira Facebook page to be kept up to date!
You also have the option to visit their other Vaccination Centres at your convenience:
* Catherine Street, Henderson Monday – Saturday 9am – 4pm
* Trust Arena, Central Park Drive Monday – Sunday day 8.30am – 4pm
If your whānau needs other help or support call 0800 4Māori (0800-462-647) 8am – 8pm Daily, the friendly team at Waipareira are there to help.
Principal's Message - Tuesday 21st September 2021
Kia Ora Koutou Kerehana Whanau,
Thank you families, for those of you who were able to join us last night for our first community engagement online, we had over 90 families join us and despite the technological difficulties (namely myself!) I found our time rich and empowering. Especially listening to our whanau talk about amazing strategies, plans and routines to make life at Alert level 4 manageable and safe.
So on the heels of that engagement we will hold one more community hui next week Monday September 27 at 7pm and all are welcomed back to join us. Message me any key things you would like us to discuss or share ideas around. or message me on 0221290213.
The big news was yesterday's announcement by our Prime Minister and what that means for our school. The Governments advice is that Under level 3 Schools and Centre’s should remain closed but can open for children whose parents need to return to work and there is no one else to look after them. Today following on from our teachers who have been contacting all our families over the past week I will be contacting and confirming with those families who will need our support although ultimately the best thing for our community is stay safe by staying home at level 3.
All our usual safety precautions for Alert Level 3 will be in place which include following all the recommendations from the public health experts.
This means we will;
be masked onsite, and we scan the QR code or sign in.
regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces
encourage everyone to frequently wash their hands and cover their coughs and sneezes.
keep everyone physically distanced from others as much as possible (one metre inside and two metres outside).
also keep school bubbles to no more than 10 students. These bubbles will not mix with other bubbles.
Online learning times will change and will have a structured look to it starting Wednesday September 22. This is designed to have a focused learning in the morning, minimizing screen time through the day and continuing to stay connected in a safe environment.
9am to 10:30am
12pm to 1pm
I wish to acknowledge our community and teachers for the great work you have and continue to do to keep your whanau and households connected and safe over this challenging period of time. We got this Kelston, stay in it, stay safe and God bless.
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia
Kelston Intermediate Online Whānau Hui - Monday 20th September 2021
Principal's Message - Sunday 5th September 2021
COVID-19 Update - Wednesday 25th August 2021
Kia Ora Koutou e te whānau o Kelston Intermediate
I hope that this message finds you all safe and well in your respective bubbles as we continue to follow those safe guidelines and protocols for managing our way through Alert level 4 with masks, santising and keeping social distance whenever out and about. I do hope we have managed to enjoy some of that sunshine of the past couple of days.
As we are well aware Auckland will continue to stay in Alert Level 4 until 11:59pm Tuesday 31 August. Further decisions will be made on Friday afternoon for the rest of New Zealand and Monday afternoon for Auckland. I have asked teachers to reach out and ensure that we have current addresses and contact details for all our whanau so if you are able to respond, please do. Part of this check up will help us to gauge who will require a device or hard pack when we move to Level 3. Remember when we move to Alert Level 3 we will have a robust plan around distribution of these said devices and hard packs.
I have had the pleasure of viewing a couple of Taumata presentations and seen students show innovation online, determination and pride to share their learning journey, their personal growth in the critical thinking space. A reminder to our wonderful whanau, to please utilise the learning opportunities and engagement that our kaiako provide it is a wonderful balance between learning and simply staying connected through positive and meaningful engagement with peers and their teachers. Be kind to yourselves whanau, do what you can with learning but prioritise your own wellbeing and the time that you now have together. Reach out to teachers who in turn will connect with team leaders, senior management and myself, if there are any pressing concerns.
The Ministry of Education sent the following message and I thought some of you would find it helpful for home learning programmes.
Helplines that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Mental Health Crisis: 0800 800 717
Lifeline for counselling and support: 0800 543 354 or 0800 LIFELINE
Samaritans for confidential support for anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress: 0800 726 666
Depression Helpline to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions: 0800 111 757 or free text 4206
Healthline for advice from trained registered nurses: 0800 611 116
Suicide Prevention Helpline: 0508 828 865
Counselling Free Call or Text 1737.
Also available:
Family Services 211 Helpline for help finding and direct transfer to community-based health and social support services in your area: 0800 211 211
Family Services Directory online
Unite Against COVID-19: Family and sexual violence prevention for help and support if you’re experiencing family violence or sexual violence.
Live and on-demand television content
Teaching and learning opportunities on TV start this week with the return of Home Learning | Papa Kāinga TV.
Updates for the coming week’s lessons is on the Learning from Home website and through Home Learning | Papa Kāinga TV. You can find this both on TV via free-to-air Duke+1 (on Freeview 18 or Sky channel 504) and online – episodes will be available on TVNZ On Demand soon after the original broadcast.
Food Support
Pātaka Kai is open Wednesday and Friday, 12pm – 3pm.Closed Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. They will be operating as a drive-through. There is no need to book a parcel, just turn up. Please note: There will be a queue, but we have plenty of food supplies so, please be patient.
Come into Visionwest through the Ambler Ave entrance (the long driveway to the left of 42 Ambler Ave).
Please only have one person per car.
Park in the car park and WAIT in your car.
Please wear a mask at all times and use the contact tracing app when asked.
Someone will come to your car to collect the necessary information.
Your food will be placed in the boot of your car; please ensure you have space available.
We will give out one parcel per car unless you are collecting for your whānau and others.
Please note: There will be a queue, but we have plenty of food supplies so, please be patient and do NOT exit your car.
Stay safe, stay connected and take care. We've been here before and we got this Kelston whanau.
Bert Iosia
COVID-19 Update - Saturday 21st August 2021
Kia Ora Koutou Kerehana Whanau,
I hope this message finds you, your whanau and loved ones all safe and well in their respective bubbles. I know we will be following the Alert level 4 guidelines and we will be observing social distancing protocols with masks and santising when we need to venture out. You would have heard the Prime Minister’s announcement that we are now in the position of all of Aotearoa being in lockdown at Level 4 until Tuesday 24th at 11.59 pm at least. We will know more early next week about any extension to that.
Most of you have been able to touch base with your child’s teacher and it has been great to hear about how you are all doing. It is a surreal time, but what is reassuring is that we have been here before and we have been successful with our team of 5 million approach, which has worked well, particularly here in Kelston. In light of a number of noted West Auckland places of interest, we are aware that some of our whanau have had close or secondary connections, so keep an eye out if yourself or a member of your household exhibits signs or symptoms and please call Healthline 0800 358 5453 or take yourself and your household to a testing station.
The Ministry of Education has spoken about the distribution of devices and hard packs to families. I strongly urge our staff and our community to continue to observe the Alert level 4 protocols and stay home and stay safe. I trust that what our teachers provide online and through their communication by phone or email with families, is sufficient at this time. Please whānau, don't pressure yourselves to try and provide a full school day for your child or children. Just do what you can and enjoy your time together and the chance to re-energise and reset.
When the government moves Auckland to Alert level 3, please trust that Kelston Intermediate has a robust plan and strategy for an efficient roll out and distribution of devices and hard packs through a pick up and collect system on-site. This process will follow strict level 3 health and safety protocols.
The following links from the Ministry can also help our tamariki and whanau at this time with distance learning.
I also wanted you to know of other supports that are available to you or anyone you know who needs some support or advice. These options may be useful.
Support services that remain open:
• Women’s Refuge 0800REFUGE or 0800 733 843
• Shine 0508 744 633
• Alcohol and Drug Helpline 0800 787 797
• Oranga Tamariki call centre 0508FAMILY
• CADS 0800 367 222
• Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632
• Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 6757
• Lifeline 0800 543 354 or free text 4357
• Youthline 0800 376 633 or free text 234
• Samaritans 0800 726 666
• Outline (LGBT) 0800 688 5463
• Depression Helpline 0800 111 757
• Suicide Prevention Helpline 0508 828 865
• The Fono West (Social Services) 09 837 1780
• Counselling Free Call or Text 1737
• Healthline for COVID-19 health advice: 0800 358 5453.
For families struggling with food and groceries, we have some possible connections (supply and demand pending) that we can put you in touch with if you please contact your teachers, one such organisation is Vision West in Glen Eden who are doing food parcels for families and they can be found online under ''
We will explore other avenues to stay connected while observing social distancing so stay tuned, but until then please stay safe, be kind and take care.
Nga mihi nui
Bert Iosia (Tumuaki Kelston Intermediate)
COVID-19 Update - Tuesday 17th August 2021
Kia ora koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Bula Vinaka, Namaste and Warm Greetings.
There has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Auckland.
As a result, the Government announced at 6:10pm that a nationwide Alert level 4 lockdown is now in effect and Auckland will remain at Alert level 4 for the next 7 days starting at 11:59pm tonight.
That means there are no students, staff or community members permitted onsite over the next 7 days, without exception.
Although this is for a short period, at this time we are activating our distance learning plans from tomorrow morning where we can. All of our students are set up with Google Classroom and teachers will be in touch with students by 12pm on Wednesday August 18. We ask for this later meeting time as COVID-19 continues to be a factor we need to consider, and we want to refine and confirm a robust plan to best meet the needs of your children.
If the situation changes, we will be in touch again. Please contact your teachers if you have any concerns or questions.
Ngā mihi mahana
Kia haumaru koutou
Bert Iosia
Roadworks on Vanguard Rd - Tuesday 8 June 2021
As you would have noticed there are currently roadworks happening on Vanguard Rd. They have finished the speed hump at the top of the road and are now working on a pedestrian crossing outside our school. These roadworks could take around a week to complete. Due to this, there will be significant delays on Vanguard Rd. We are suggesting that you pick up / drop off your child on St Leonards Rd to reduce the traffic congestion outside our school.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
Pink Shirt Day - Friday 21 May 2021
This Friday is Pink Shirt Day, students are allowed to wear ONLY pink clothes on this day. However, they still must come to school in full school uniform as we are having a formal powhiri for guests in the morning. Students will then change into their pink mufti clothes after that.
If your child comes to school in mufti, we will be asking them to return home to get their full school uniform.
We also require a gold coin donation to go towards the cause.
Any questions, please call us on 8185544 or email
COVID-19 UPDATE - Saturday 6 March 2021
Kiaora ano ngā whānau katoa.
Just a quick update to confirm that school will open again on Monday the 8th March for the return of all Students.
Please continue to practice safe hygiene procedures and ensure our tamariki stay home if they are sick.
If for any reason your child/ren are unable to come to school please contact the school office to explain their absence... we will be following up on all unexplained absences on a daily basis whānau to ensure our tamariki are where they are supposed to be.
Thank-you all again for your work and support with our tamariki over the past week.
Returning devices:
As we are heading back into Level 2, and school will be open for all students this week, all school chromebooks must be returned by students on Monday 8th March so that they can be used in classrooms again.
Before you return the Chromebook:
Check you have the correct device that was issued to you
Check you have a correct charger (USB-C connection) - it may not be the same brand as your Chromebook but it must be the one that was given to you.
If you still have the plastic bag put everything back in that or another clean bag.
When you arrive at school:
bring the Chromebook and charger straight to the HALL. Do not take the device back to your classroom or anywhere else. It must be handed in to Miss Lord and checked and cleaned first.
The hall will be open from 8am on Monday for returns. At 8.45am we will stop for Morning Hui so if you haven’t handed in your device by this time keep the device with you and stay in the hall until after Morning Hui to hand it in. Do not take it back to your classroom.
The sooner we get all chromebooks back, the sooner our classroom programmes can get back to normal.
Malo 'Aupita
Phil Gordon
COVID-19 UPDATE - Sunday 28 February 2021
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greetings to you all.
I hope you are all well and managing to stay safe maintaining your "bubble" during these times of restriction and social distancing again.
As we head into our second lockdown for 2021 we are able to put plans in place and have our distant learning programmes up and running a lot quicker with our staff fully prepared for online learning to begin tomorrow.
We have also set up the following systems for those of you who need them.
· We have devices available for collection from our school hall, 1-3pm tomorrow, Monday the 1st of March and from 9am-1pm on Tuesday the 2nd of March. We will have appropriate social distancing indicated with cones from the front entry of our school gates for you to follow so we are able to maintain safe social distancing systems for you all. (Please ensure you have your face masks on during pickup as well)
· If you require any learning hard packs we will have some available for pick up during this time as well.
· Please communicate with your child/ren's teacher in the first instance if you need any clarification regarding learning programmes or systems that we have up and running during this lockdown.
· Keep an eye on our website, facebook page or school loop app for updates we will post.
See our Safety Plan and Considerations for each alert level below for your information as well. We sincerely hope that we can progress back to level two next week and continue the great start we have made to our school year.
We will also finalise a new time for Whanau Day and let you know when this will take place early next week.
Ngā mihi maioha koutou me kia haumaru, kia noho.
Phil Gordon
COVID-19 UPDATE - Wednesday 17 February 2021
Kia ora ano Whānau
Just a quick notice to let you know our kura will be open as usual tomorrow with some considerations specific to Alert Level 2. We will send out communication highlighting these considerations tomorrow.
Generally speaking it is business as usual with a refocus on good hygiene practices and being "on to it" around our school with physical distancing where possible.
We look forward to seeing our tamariki tomorrow, our school lunch programme also kicks into gear tomorrow as well.
Ngā mihi mahana whānau
Phil Gordon
COVID-19 UPDATE - Sunday 14 February 2021
Kia ora koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kiaorana, Bula Vinaka, Namaste and Warm Greetings.
There have been three confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Auckland.
As a result, the Government announced at 7pm that the whole of Auckland will move from Alert Level 1 to Alert Level 3 for the next 72 hours from midnight tonight.
That means that where possible you should keep your children home from school for this period.
We will be open for those of you who have no other options but to send your children to school and we will have safety precautions in place to look after them. If you need to send your child to school you must email our school at to let us know. Our school will be closed and will have minimal if any staff on-site so will need to know if we are expecting students on-site. Remember whānau, stay home if you can so this is only a three day lock down.
Although this is for a short period, at this time we are activating our distance learning plans from tomorrow morning where we can. Not all of our new students are fully set up with google classroom at this stage. Your child's teacher will endeavour to get in touch with you to clarify work expectations for the next three days. First and foremost we want to stay connected to you and your Tamariki.
COVID-19 continues to be a factor we need to consider, and I assure you we have a robust plan and will do everything we need to for your children and your wider family and whānau.
If the situation changes, we will be in touch again. Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
Ngā mihi mahana
Kia haumaru koutou
Phil Gordon
COVID-19 UPDATE - Monday 31 August 2020
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greeting to you all.
Ngā mihi mahana kia Koutou
Welcome Back Whānau
Kiaora Koutou
It is so good to see our tamariki back today and looking fit and healthy ready to be at school again making the most of what has been a pretty tricky year for us all.
Just a few reminders again whānau for what life is like at school during Alert Level 2.5 as this is a little different from what we initially planned.
1. Masks and gloves are not compulsory, but students are welcomed to wear them if they wish.
2. Positive social distancing will be maintained at all times possible.
3. Our Tuck-shop is open under strict health guidelines.
4. Our playground is closed and there will be no contact sports during this alert level.
5. Our front gate is open from 7.45am-9am then locked during the day and will be opened at 2.55pm -3.10pm for students to depart school at the end of the day.
6. Staff will be off school premises by 4pm during this alert level.
7. Our TOPs programme and culture groups will continue to run as usual.
8. There are no full school assemblies at this current Alert Level.
Thank-you all for your continued support and aroha during these times.
Ngā Mihi Maioha
Phil Gordon
COVID-19 UPDATE - Wednesday 26 August 2020
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greeting to you all.
Once again whānau we see our COVID alert levels move back to level two as from 11.59pm this Sunday evening. I hope that you have been able to manage this time as best as possible but I know if you are anything like myself and the rest of staff at Kelston Intermediate you are looking forward to transitioning back to Alert level 2 and getting back to some degree of our new normal.
Below are a few reminders about how we will be functioning under COVID alert level 2 and how on-line learning will function as from next Monday the 31st of August.
1. Our distance on-line learning programme from home will finish this Friday the 28th of August. We are expecting almost all our students back at school next Monday so will be unable to maintain this programme based on the pure workload required. We will still be using our devices etc... to maintain our on-line learning at school BUT require all devices distributed during this lockdown period returned to us next Monday or as soon as possible so we can maintain our learning programmes at school.
2. Positive social distancing rules will still be promoted during this time whenever possible (2m outside/1m inside). Certain games etc... involving contact will not be played and systems around the cleaning of equipment will be implemented.
3. Our New Normal timetable will continue to be implemented, this timetable has been sent home a number of times previously and just a reminder that, at this stage, our tuck-shop will re-open next Monday with specific hygiene practices in place.
4. ALSO our school front gate will remain locked during the day with the pedestrian gate opened from 7.45am-9am for students to enter school grounds and 2.55-3.10pm for students to exit. From 8.30am students will be expected to be in class with their kaiako preparing for the days learning programme. Access into school during school hours will need to be requested through our intercom system at our front gate. All visits to our kura must be signed in at our front office and lodged on the COVID tracking app if applicable.
I have included our Koēke Rua COVID Plan as a reminder of how we will function during this time…. Please note however whānau there may be some variances around these guidelines regarding school assemblies etc…. While we may conduct some assemblies, they will not be open to whānau attend unfortunately during level 2.
If you have any questions about our kura or how things will run than please email or ring us so we can help you as best we can with your queries.
Children’s Community Dental Service Update - Thursday 20 August 2020
Please see the following letter from the Auckland Regional Dental Service - Waitemata DHB regarding dental services at Level 3.
COVID-19 UPDATE - Wednesday 19 August 2020
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kia orana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greetings to you all.
I hope you all have been keeping safe and well as we adjust to being at Alert Level Three again. We have all learnt a lot from the previous lockdown and some whānau are still feeling the effects from it. Times like these can be extremely challenging for many so please look out for one another and remember to be kind. We are sending out our love and support to all our Kerehana whānau.
Over the past two days, more than 150 devices have been distributed for students to access their distant online learning programmes. It has been awesome to see a great amount of our tamariki tuning in daily with their kaiako and peers, with some students even jumping on immediately after picking up their device. The last of the devices will be available for pickup today from the school office until 12pm.
We learn more on Friday, about the next steps for our country regarding the management of Covid-19, whether we move from Alert Level Three to Alert Level Two Status; and what that means for our kura. Once we have a clear understanding from our Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education, we will actively update you all on the progress, schedules and return dates etc.
Thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times. We have tried our best to ensure we have catered to all of our tamariki and whānau as best we could but if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. In the meantime, take care of yourself and your whānau and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou,
Phil Gordon
Devices distribution update - Tuesday 14 August 2020
With over 150 devices given out over the last 2 days we have a limited amount of devices still available. We have decided to open the office tomorrow from 9am to 12pm so we can distribute the last of our devices and get as many tamariki online as possible. It's been awesome to see our tamariki every morning at 9am on their Google Meets and catch up on classroom mahi or doing group and individual Meets.
Kia noho haumaru
On-Going Distant Learning at Home and Use of School Devices - Thursday 13 August 2020
As we are currently in alert level three we have a few messages for all our whānau for next week in regards to online learning and distribution of devices if we continue in Alert Level Three.
1. On-line learning is available for all students via google classroom, teachers have prepared lessons and google meet times for their classes which have been communicated via email to students and their whanau. If you have any queries regarding learning programmes or work expectations please always contact your child's teacher in the first instance as they will be your best source of information.
2. Teachers have worked together to create a list of students who need access to devices and how this can be done in a coordinated effort.
We have organised for devices to be distributed from our school office if we are to continue our Level Three Alert status over an extended period of time.
3. A message will be sent via text, email or phone call to parents to notify that a device has been set aside for their child. Parents can collect devices from school on Monday. A contract for each device must be signed by parents upon receiving the device so security of these is clear for all whanau.
3. Distribution of devices: The process will be as follows:
- Whanau must wait for an email, text or phone call confirming a device has been set aside for your child's use during lock-down.
- Contactless collection outside the office (Parking on Street and our pedestrian gate will be open for access to our school office)
- Students must be present with a parent at collection.
- Please ensure you are wearing masks and gloves - 2 metres distance maintained.
- Sanitising before and after use of pen to sign the contract form.
- Parents to scan Covid App QR code
- Device number is noted on form.
- Device is given.
4. Returning of devices.
Once lockdown has progressed to alert level 2 and students begin returning to school they will need to return their devices to the front office first ensuring to sign their device back into school. We will sanitize the device using our school procedures and then their device will be returned to their classroom by Miss Lord. If there is any damage to these please report it when dropped at the front office.
Stay safe whānau, look after yourselves and we will keep you up to date on a regular basis.
Ngā mihi mahana
Phil Gordon
Kelston Intermediate.
Ph: 09 818 55 44 Ext: 704
NB/ If we should move to Level Four by Monday the 17th of August there will be no pick up system available from school premises….. Devices will need to be delivered.
COVID-19 UPDATE - Wednesday 12 August 2020
Kiaora Koutou
As we move into Alert level three at midday today we have a few messages for all our whānau for the next three days.
1. Online learning will be available for all students via Google Classroom this week, teachers are currently ensuring this available as we speak.
2. We are currently organising for devices to be delivered to homes next week if we are to continue our Level Three Alert status over an extended period of time.
3. If you have any queries regarding learning programmes or work expectations please always contact your child's teacher in the first instance as they will be your best source of information.
4. Please whānau let's ensure we do what we need to do to eliminate the community transfer of COVID 19 so we can get our tamariki back to school as soon as possible.
Stay safe whānau, look after yourselves and we will keep you up to date on a regular basis.
Ngā mihi mahana
Phil Gordon
COVID-19 UPDATE - Tuesday 11 August 2020
Kia ora Koutou
Kelston Intermediate will be closed for all students for the next three days as we move back into COVID 19 Alert Level Three.
Please stay home whānau, be safe and we will keep you informed of all developments regarding our whole or partial reopening as we transition through appropriate alert levels.
If you are an essential worker and need your child to attend school please email me at to make appropriate arrangements. Level three conditions will apply for any student having to attend school during this time. We do encourage you to keep your child at home if at all possible.
Ngā mihi mahana whānau and stay safe.
Phil Gordon
Kelston Intermediate
Year 6 & 7 Transition Day at Kelston Intermediate
Friday 7th August, Term Three 2020:
Talofa Lava, Malo Lelei, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Namaste, Kiaorana, Ni Sa Bula, Ni Hao, Assalaam Alaikum, Ku Musta Ka, Tena Koutou Katoa and warm greetings.
Dear Parent/Caregiver/Whānau,
Friday the 7th of August, this term is our Kelston schools Transition Day. We are looking forward to having over 400 year 6 students from our primary schools at our kura and have planned several student-centered activities for all students who will be part of Kelston Intermediate for the day.
In past years we have had all of our Year 7 students present with us at school however this year this is not possible due to the increase of numbers from our contributing schools.
In 2020 we are selecting a small group of Year 7 students to stay at school to work with our Year 6 students for the day. For most of our Year 7 students however, we have created online learning programmes or learning packs for our students working from home on this day, all the learning opportunities prepared for our Year 7 students are within their learning capabilities and can be completed with little or no support from adults as they are to maintain current learning from their classroom programme.
Kelston Intermediate School acknowledges that this may cause some disruption to whanau but our staff are confident that the learning programme provided will allow all our students to continue their learning programme while still at home, which means this is not a “day off” school as the work set will be collected, checked and marked by classroom teachers as usual.
Please note that our Year 8 students will be participating in a Transition Programme of their own at Kelston Boys High School and Kelston Girls College and will not be on site at Kelston Intermediate for this day.
We appreciate your support for our Te Matauranga o Kerehana Kahui Ako Transition day as this greatly impacts on all Kelston Schools in our community.
Phillip Gordon
Principal of Kelston Intermediate
Year 6 Transition Day at Kelston Intermediate
Friday 7th August 2020
Talofa Lava, Malo Lelei, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Namaste, Kiaorana, Ni Sa Bula, Ni Hao, Assalaam Alaikum, Ku Musta Ka, Tena Koutou Katoa and warm greetings.
Dear Parent/Caregiver/Whānau
Friday the 7th of August, this term is our Kelston schools Transition Day. We are looking forward to meeting the year 6 students from our primary schools and have planned several student-centred activities for all students who will be part of Kelston Intermediate for the day.
The day will start at 9.00am with students from our six contributing and neighbouring primary schools being transported to Kelston Intermediate, accompanied by a teacher from their school, arriving to us between 8.40-9.00am. Please Note: some schools will be organising their own transport on this day.
When all our students have arrived, there will be about a 10-15minute organisation time from 9.00-9.15am where students will be placed into their pre-organised groups, given a brief orientation about our school facilities and will have the timetable for the day explained to them.
Some of the specific objectives of this programme are listed below.
To ensure a smooth transition of children between schools - Primary to Intermediate.
To familiarise students with our teachers for the following year
To inform families/whanau of our requirements regarding administration. (Attendance Expectations, Uniform, Stationery, Enrolments etc.…)
To allow teachers the time to interact with students from contributing schools before the end of the current school year.
To have a learning programme designed to inform students of their new school, what the expectations are, gauge learning levels of the students and to ensure a positive start to the 2021 school year for all students, family and teachers involved.
Our first activity rotation is scheduled to start at 9.30am with five activity rotations in total for the day. We will be running a modified timetable so students will have a morning break and lunch time, but these breaks will be a little different from our normal school day. Our tuck-shop will be open during morning tea break and lunch time if students wish to purchase items.
Our last activity rotation will finish at 2.35pm, at this time we will bring all the groups back together to ensure students have enrolment packages with uniform and stationery requirements attached then release our year 6 students so they will be back at their current school to be dismissed at 3.00pm as usual.
This is also an open day for all whānau/family of our year 6 students.
If you would like to pop in during the day to have a look around and ask questions about how we “Do Things”at Kelston Intermediate then please do, we are always aspiring to be a great Intermediate for the students of the Kelston area and value your input, thoughts and ideas.
Please note that our Year 8 students will be participating in a Transition Programme of their own and will not be on site at Kelston Intermediate for this day.
Our Three Directors:
Mrs Maddie Gates, Director of Pastoral care
Mrs Kiri Laing, Director of Curriculum and Student Achievement
Mrs Mandy Martin, Director of Physical Education and Hauora
And I (Phil Gordon) will also be available during the day for meeting and greeting and would be happy to have a chat or address any queries you may have.
COVID-19 Information
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana,
Talofa, Kia orana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greeting to you all.
I hope you have been keeping well and are finding our slow transition back to our new normal a smooth one. We have a couple of important dates and organisational changes for the rest of this term that is important for us all to be aware off
1. Our distance on-line learning from home programme finished last Friday the 29th of May. We now have most of our students back at school and are unable to maintain this programme based on the pure workload required. We will still be using our devices etc... to maintain our on-line learning at school and will be undertaking significant school-wide Professional Learning to ensure we continue to develop our teaching and learning practices in this area.
2. Positive social distancing rules will still be promoted during this time whenever possible. Certain games etc... involving contact will not be played and systems around the cleaning of equipment will be implemented.
3. Our New Normal timetable will continue to be implemented, this timetable was sent home last week and just a reminder that our tuck-shop has also re-opened from today with specific hygiene practices in place.
4. ALSO whānau we will be participating in Staff Professional Learning every Friday between 1-3pm for the rest of this term. This means that school will finish early on a Friday at 12.30pm starting this week. While this is not ideal it is essential that we are able to participate in this Professional Learning programme to ensure we continue to evolve and develop our teaching and learning systems so that our students get the very best educational outcomes possible during their time with us.
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader!"
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa!!!!, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greeting to you all.
As week two back at school during Alert Level Two draws to its conclusion we now find ourselves in an exciting place of looking forward to what our “New Normal” at Kelston Intermediate will look like!!!!
There are some important changes that you all need to be aware that we have adopted as our future focus. These processes are based on best practice principles that will ensure we provide the very best social, academic and cultural outcomes for our students empowering them to be able to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities coming their way in the future.
Our “New Normal” timetable outlines how a week will look and run at our kura. The length of our learning blocks has changed, our break times are different and we have rescheduled our culture learning groups, TOPs and our Hui a Taumata to a Monday. We have restructured our Tech Timetable so that one class at a time has Tech uninterrupted for 90mins every week keeping a ratio of 1:10 in our Tech classes!!!!
Digital learning will take place daily as a part of our programme but does not mean that our tamariki will be sitting in front of a computer all day every day doing "work”. Devices will be used as teaching and learning tools to assist our students and teachers to enhance our learning programmes…..not replace them!!!
Before and after school procedures are still very tightly organised and will be our new normal practices in this area. This is explained within our timetable. We have specific entry and exit points, so we are able to better track visitors and “foot traffic” in and out of our school.
If you have any questions or need clarification regarding any “New Normal” processes that we have in place, please come and have a chat with us……. You are always welcomed at Kelston Intermediate….. Just sign in at the front office first and Wash Your Hands 😊.
Our tuck-shop will also be opened from next Tuesday during our first two breaks and will gradually run to full capacity over time.
Thank-you all for your continued support during this time of world firsts!!!! We have tried our very best to ensure we catered for our students as best we could and now look forward to better and brighter days ahead for our Kura, Community and our People…. Always proud to be a Kelstonian!!!
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader!"
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou
Phil Gordon
Please also note:
We will continue with digital-based learning at school, but online distance learning at home has now stopped.
We encourage our students to bring their own device to use while at school, so that they do not have to share. If it is their own device, please fill out the BYOD form and return it with your child, we can then set them up to use the school system while at school. If it is a Ministry of Education issued device, they do not need to fill in the form, but do need to bring it into school so we can connect it to the school system. Ministry of Education devices will be kept at school.
Year 8 immunisations will take place on Monday 22nd June. All year 8's need to return the form before then, even if you are not having immunisations done. If you do not have a form, we have some available at the office.
Class and individual photos will take place on Monday 29th June. Order forms will given out closer to the date.
End of term 2 - Friday 3rd July
Start of term 3 - Monday 20th July
Talofa lava me ngā mihi mahana kia koutou, Warm greetings to you all!
I hope that you have all been safe and well during the COVID-19 lockdown. Just a few things to mention:
There is no school on Monday 1st June as it is Queens Birthday.
Starting from Tuesday 2nd June, we will be welcoming all students back into school. Though our restrictions have loosened for level 2, we feel that getting things back to our new normal is key for our students' progress going forward.
All online learning will cease at the end of our school day this Friday, if your child was issued a device from the Ministry of Education, those devices need to be returned to school, so your child can continue using their own device for learning while at kura.
When we first moved to level 2, we had to alter our school timetable to be able to follow government guidelines specific to safe social distancing etc.... However, as of next week, we will be looking at fine tuning our school timetable again so we can have some of our normal programmes return such as Tech and Kiwican and include some of the positive new normal changes we have made recently.
The office is open for uniforms and enrolments, however we will still have a policy of only 2 people at a time in the office. All visitors are to report to the office, this includes whanau members that are dropping off lunch, shoes, homework etc.
Newsletters will start up going out as of Thursday 4th June.
We will be sending out another panui at the end of this week regarding the starting and end of our school day at what this will look like from next week.
There will be changes to how we function from day to day but we endeavour to keep you all well informed of what these are, if you ever have any questions or queries regarding the operation of our kura please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Ngā mihi haneanea kia koutou, Fa’afetai lava
Phil Gordon.
Talofa Lava ngā whānau me ngā hapori katoa o Te Wao Nui o Tiriwa.
It is awesome to see some of our tamariki back and so actively engaged and supportive of their learning programmes this week. We have truly missed the face to face interaction with our students and we look forward to having all our students back over the next few weeks.
Please note that after Queens Birthday weekend and as we progress to Alert Level One, we will up date you regarding the availability of our on-line learning programmes and our New Normal Learning programmes and Kelston Intermediate.
Ministry of Education Provided Devices:
We are aware that Chromebooks have been delivered to some of our students this week from the Ministry of Education on behalf of the school. So that we can set these Chromebooks up on our network we are asking that students who have returned to school bring the Chromebook and charger back with them. The Chromebook will be set up for the student and they will have full use of it at school for the foreseeable future. Chromebooks will stay at school overnight/weekends to ensure they are charged and ready for the next day's learning.
Students who are currently learning from home will need to use their Chromebook to connect with their teacher via email and Google Meets and complete work assigned to them on Google Classroom every day. When they return to school the Chromebook will also need to be brought back to school. If a Chromebook has been received but you do not have an internet connection to be able to use it please let the school know.
Ngā mihi Maioha
Phil Gordon
What to expect at Kelston Intermediate under Level 2
Teacher only days - Thursday 14th & Friday 15th May
School will start on Monday 18th May, under level 2 conditions. Gates will only be open from 8:30am-9am in the mornings and 2:55pm-3:15pm in the afternoons.
Only staff and students will be allowed in the main gates, all visitors must press the intercom on the gate to speak with reception.
There will be no thoroughfare through the school. Our students are not to go through St Leonards Primary, even if they have siblings that go there, and vice versa. Students from Kelston Intermediate must enter and exit through our gates only, and St Leonards students can only enter and exit through their main gates.
Any late students or parents wanting to drop off lunch etc, must press the intercom at the front gate.
If your child will not be attending school next Monday, please email the school on, or call 8185544, to inform the school.
Talofa Lava ngā whānau me ngā hāpori katoa o Te Wao Nui o Tiriwa.
First of all I would like to thank and acknowledge you all for the awesome messages and offers of support we received about the video we posted yesterday of our break-in and the mindless vandalism of our classrooms over the weekend. We have received some very helpful information regarding this incident and will be including this all in our police report.
At 4pm today Whaea Jacinda will announce when, as a nation, we will be moving towards Alert level two. As this will have a significant impact on the educational landscape of our community we will be sending out information to you through-out this week regarding the possible re-opening of our school under alert level two, what this will look like at Kelston Intermediate regarding health and safety management and the continuation of our on-line and distance learning programmes if required.
So while we have a bit to organise and communicate to you this week we do need to wait until we know for sure the outcome of the Prime Ministers announcement today. To that point this is just a brief notice to you all to let you know it is really important that you keep a look our for all our communications through emails, our facebook page, our website and our School Loop app regarding updates about our students returning to school, hopefully as soon as next week.
Ngā mihi Maioha
Phil Gordon
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greetings to you all.
I hope you are all well and managing to stay safe maintaining your "bubble" during these times of restriction and social distancing.
As we move closer to progressing towards level two we are starting to consider the practical implications for students to return to school in a safe positive manner while trying to ensure the rules and restrictions around level two are maintained.
To this point we will endeavor to ensure we communicate clearly the processes and criteria around....
Students return to school,
The continuation of on-line learning where necessary
The following stages we will follow to have students and staff back to school as normal in a full time capacity as we move to level one then eventually back to our "New Normal"
At this stage we are still implementing our on-line learning programmes, we have also delivered over 120 learning packs to some of our students, which were made up and delivered by our staff, thanks to the hard work of Mrs Schwenke, Mrs Laing and our delivery personnel.
Please remember whānau that we are only excepting students back to school during level three if whānau are essential workers and have no-one to care for them during the day. We have a limited work bubble within our school at the moment and we want to ensure we put as few people at risk as possible during this time.
Students will not be accepted to school unless we have received an email at from caregivers/parents explaining the need for their child to return to school during level three, we have asked in previous written updates and through videos for this to happen, only when you have received an email back from us confirming your child can attend are they are able to come back to school. Our School hours are 8.45am-3pm. Our gates will not be open before 8.45am and locked at 3.10pm because of the restrictions we have for staff to be on site during the day.
Finally please see our Kelston Intermediate COVID 19 response plan for the various alert levels that we may transition through. This is a discussion document for us at the moment with the intent of it becoming our official management plan for this pandemic before we move to level two.
I thank-you all for your support and commitment to ensuring our tamariki are safe and well during this time. I think it would be fair to say that we are all feeling the "pinch" around our continued isolation..... but if we stay focused on what we need to do as a community/country we will achieve what very few other nations have....A COVID 19 free environment.
Ngā mihi maioha koutou me kia haumaru, kia noho.
Phil Gordon
FAASILASILAGA TA'UA mai le Susuga I le Alii Pule ma le Pulega
Ua laga se leo, fa'ia foi se faamatalaga, ona o tulaga ogagoa o loo I ai pea le lalolagi, ona o le faama'i mata'utia e pei ona silafia, ua manatu ai e tuuina atu ai lenei faasilasila ta'ua mai le pulega o la tatou Aoga.E muamua ona momoli pea lapalapa o malo I le Atua silisiliese I Lana pule faasoa, ua maua ai pea le soifua lelei ma le ola maloloina, ua mafai ai ona faatinoina o tatou tiute ma faiva I lenei vaitau faigata o la tatou folauga.
A'o aga'iga'i malie atu lo tatou atunuu I lona LAASAGA LONA LUA(LEVEL TWO) o le puipuiga o lenei faama'i, ma ua tatou tulalata atu ai ise taimi e toe faaauauina ai polokalame, aua fanau I totonu o le tatou aoga, o lea ua faatulagaina ai ni TA'IALA MO LE PUIPUIGA O LO LATOU SAOGALEMU I LENEI TAIMI, INA IA AUA LAVA NE'I AAFIA LO LATOU SOIFUA MU'AMU'A MAI AAFIAGA MATA'UTIA O LE COVID-19, pe afai o le a toe aumaia mo le faaauaina lava o fuafuaga masani a le Aoga, e pei o masani ai:
O nisi nei o fuafuaga o lea ua faatulagaina I lenei taimi, aua lo latou ola a'oa'oina, ina ia aua lava nei liaina I ala le ola taumafai I lenei tausaga:
1. O se Taimi faatulagaina e toe aumaia ai I totonu o le Aoga
2. Polokalame e faaaogaina ai Fesootaiga Faatekonolosi
3. Polokalame fuafuaina mo le toe faatinoina atoatoa o le Polokalame I totonu o le Aoga
A'o iai la I le tulaga o I ai nei, o lea ua saunia ai ni polokalame I luga o le Initaneti, faatasi ai ma le tufaina atu o le 120 tusi aoga mo nisi o fanau ua saunia ma tapenaina e nisi o Faiaoga. E faafetaia ai le auaunaga a nisi o tamaitai, e pei o Mrs Schwenke, Mrs Laing, aemaise I latou ua galulue faatasi mo lenei galuega ta'ua. Ia manatua foi, e na o fanau lava ua leai lava se tasi e vaaia I le aiga, o le a mafai ona tuuina mai, a'o tatou I ai pea I le LAASAGA LONA TOLU(LEVEL THREE)
E faamalulu atu foi, e le o gafatia I lenei taimi e la tatou aoga ni vaega se tele mo le puipuiga o le fanau mai aafiaga o le faama'i, o le ala lea, e le mafai ai ona maua uma ni avanoa e aumaia ma tuuina mai ai I le faleaoga I lenei taimi.
O le a le mafai foi ona taliaina le tuuina mai o lou alo I le aoga, seivagana ua tauaaoina se tusi aloa'ia, poo se imeli e lafoina mai I le Ofisa, I le tuatusi,
mai le caregiver poo matua, e faamatala auiliili mai ai ose mafuaaga tatau e manaomia ai le aumaia o lou alo I le aoga I lenei taimi o le LEVEL THREE.
O le a tali atu foi le pulega I se tusi po o se imeli, e faailoa atu ai nisi o mafuaaga e mafai ai ona teena se talosaga faapea, pe afai e tatau ai.
O taimi faatulagaina o le Aoga ua I ai nei : 8:45AM – 3PM. E le mafai ona tatalaina le faitotoa I se taimi oi luma atu o le 8:45AM, ma o le lokaina foi I le 3:10PM, aua lava puipuiga o fanau, aemaise o le Aufaigaluega.
E I ai le faamoemoe, o le a tatou fesoota'i pea I taualumaga uma, aua lava le puipuiga o le COVID-19 mo la tatou Aoga, ina ia saogalemu I tatou uma faapea foi nai a tatou fanau
Momoli atu foi le faamalo ma le faafetai I la outou lagolago mai I sa matou auaunaga faatauvaa, aua se manuia o tatou fanau, faapea foi aiga ma lo tatou Atunuu atoa. E ui lava ua tatou tau fai lagonaina uma lava le tulaga faigata ua I ai nei, ae afai tatou te tutu faatasi ma galulue faatasi, o le a le pine ona tatou taunuu atu lea I se isi tulaga manuia, mo le folauga ua I ai I lenei tausaga.
Faamanuia tele le Atua ia te outou uma, o matua ma aiga, aemaise nai a tatou alo ma fanau
Phil Gordon
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greetings to you all.
COVID 19 Update: Functioning at level three:
I would like to acknowledge all our whānau and community for your overwhelming support ensuring we keep our tamariki and families safe by keeping our students home during level 3. We only have two students that need to come to school on certain days during this time, who we will look after and take care of, meaning that we will continue to have all teaching staff working from home carrying on our on-line distance learning programmes as they are currently doing.
We have Mrs Laing, Mrs Martin, Mrs Schwenke and I rostered on-site at school during this time to supervise our tamariki that need to be here and this week we will be making up home learning packs to be distributed this week.
SO we will have home-learning packs available to be picked up from our front gate tomorrow between 10am and 12pm. The packs will have everything needed to be able to complete the mahi (work) provided in them. We will also be delivering packs to homes where required as well.
Any queries regarding our learning packs you can email Mrs Kiri Laing: or phone/Text her on 021 087 04498.
We will continue to update you weekly whānau and look forward to progressing towards level one and having our tamariki back on-site with us.
NB/ Check out my latest video post and keep an eye out for two of our student’s home videos articulating what a day in their life looks like during this time of home learning. (They are cool!!)
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou
Phil Gordon
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greetings to you all.
COVID 19 Update: Moving from Level Three to Level Four:
Next week see’s us move from Level Four to a Level Three alert status for COVID 19. As Of mid-night, Monday 27th of May we move into an adjusted set of criteria in managing the spread of COVID 19 at a national and local level.
What does this mean for our students and wh of Kelston Intermediate?
Please remember whānau the criteria for sending your child/children to school is very tight! We are expecting a minimal number of students returning to us next Thursday the 30th of April when we re-open in a limited capacity during this Alert level. Our on-line/distance learning programmes will be operating as normal with minimal disruption to these programmes next Tuesday the 28th and Wednesday the 29th of April, when we have our Teacher Only Days to prepare and fully debrief ourselves around the practicalities of managing our school during this time.
Students are eligible to return to school on the 30th of April if:
· There is no adult supervision for them at home as there is a need for that adult or those adults to return to work.
AND that is it whānau. This is not a time for risk taking, it is a time to remain at home and safe from the spread of this virus. For what it is worth I would not personally be sending my own children to school at this time if they were still of school age
Students should not return to school if:
· You have a household where there are elderly family members living with you and are in your bubble, students need to remain at home to ensure their safety as they are more susceptible to catching this virus.
· Any of your family members have been sick recently.
· Tamariki have an existing medical condition or are on daily medication.
· You can ensure they can remain at home.
From today, if needed, you can register your child to return to school next Thursday by emailing and provide the following information:
Students Name: first and last name
Class Name:
Reason for having to return to school:
Students can not attend school unless they have been registered through this process, if registered, attendance is expected daily and will be followed up on (for obvious safety reasons).
If your child is to remain safe at home, you don’t need to do anything different from what you are currently doing.
Of course, we want our tamariki back at school as soon as possible but the managing of social distancing for tamariki and staff at the same time, staff worrying about their whānau as well, the intense hygiene routines that need to be adhered to make going to school look extremely different at this time. Please note that learning programmes will remain the same for all students in an on-line based approach whether they need to be at school or remain learning from home.
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou
Phil Gordon
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau katoa o Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana.
Talofa, Kiaorana, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa atu, Bula vinaka, Ni Hao, Asalam alaykom, Namaste and warm greeting to you all.
I hope the beginning of week two term two finds you all well and coping with the various day to day challenges of our Level four lock-down status. As previously mentioned last week, on-line learning for Kelston Intermediate took on new meaning and purpose for us as a kura and community. We have learnt a lot already about how to better use this technology and navigate the on-line learning, distance learning space, while ensuring there is effective connections between our kaiako and students.
We learn more today about the next steps for our country regarding the management of COVID 19, whether we move from level four to level three alert status and what it then means for businesses and the ability for groups of people to return to work. A huge consideration for us if we are to move to level three will be managing the practicalities of some students being able to return to school whose whānau need to be able to work and can not safely keep their child/children at home in a properly supervised situation.
We will be actively planning for the successful return of our tamariki to school from this week, and once we have a clear understanding from our Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education of what this will look like for our schools. We will actively update you all on the progress and the anticipated time-frames around when school will re-open, in what capacity we will re-open and what students will be able to attend school at this time (as we will only have limited capacity because of the social distancing requirements of level three).
In all honesty whānau we can't wait to get back to school! We know that a lot of us are finding these times extremely challenging and stressful, we are really worried about our students that have no internet or devices at home, we have students and whānau that we have not been able to reach or communicate with as yet and that concerns us a great deal as we are extremely limited in the type of support we can offer those tamariki and whānau at this time.
In saying that we also have been impressed by the large number of our students that are participating and actively contributing to their class learning programmes and taking on the extra challenges that Mrs Martin puts out there every week. These are new pathways for us all, what we learn at this time will set the precedence for what our new normal's will be, not only for us as a society but for the way we can connect through different educational pathways into the future.
I hope your week goes well, I will be posting a video later on this evening to update you all on our actions moving forward as a result of the PM's address at 4pm today. I look forward to meeting with our Student Leader group today and will have a couple of tasks set for them. During times like these leadership takes on new and many different forms, we will be discussing this today and exploring how we can make valid contributions to our families and school during times of adversity.
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader!"
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou
Phil Gordon
Kiaora Ano Whānau
Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tō huarahi.
As we head into term two through distance learning and in an on-line capacity we would like to share with you some information regarding how learning will look at this time and what is expected of our tamariki regarding their mahi and work towards their next Taumata.
Firstly we would like to thank-you all for having us in your home at this time and we appreciate your support and look forward to working together with you.
Please ensure you contact us if you require any type of support or assistance at this time, your child’s teacher is the first point of call, and if needed they can direct you to other forms of support if required.
Our Distance Learning Checklist is a guide to what to do on a daily basis.....
I will also be posting a short video later this afternoon regarding the type of learning activities we will be working through. We are not setting busy work whānau, we have worked to develop engaging, culturally, socially and academically valid tasks and activities that are specific to who we are culturally and as Kelstonians.
We have also completed a whole school database and are working with the Ministry of Education to get devices into homes where our tamariki have no access to a computer etc... or wifi connectivity. This is a major work-on area for us as moving forward, we want all our tamariki having devices for distance learning if required..... an area of urgent action for us as a kura.
Keep an eye out for future posts and videos, we are heading into a historical time in education and we will all be learning what works best for us as a collective community to ensure we have the best possible outcomes for our students and you, our whānau.
Kia haumaru
Kia noho ki koutou kainga
Ngā mihi maioha
Phil Gordon
Kia ora Koutou
Dear Parents/Caregivers›
As we head into our Easter Holiday break and second week of our school holidays (which sort of seems a bit unusual at this time) we look forward to officially starting term two next Wednesday the 15th of April through distance learning in an on-line space.
• We will be updating you regularly in regard to what you can expect from us regarding our on-line learning programmes.
• We will be communicating with our whanau and community on a regular basis through:
Kaiako using our on-line learning platforms, Google classroom and Google Meet,
Facebook Posts,
Our School Loop app
Our website
The following information was received by schools today regarding the anticipated systems and infrastructure to be developed during this time to try and ensure all tamariki can be engaged and catered for in this current environment.
Detailed package of supports for schools and kura
This afternoon, the Minister announced details of the package of supports and resources for supporting state and state integrated schools and kura to deliver learning at a distance when Term 2 begins on 15 April. You can see the Minister’s press release and Q&As on the Beehive website.
It’s important to state up front that the Government is still working to a timeframe of a four-week lockdown, lifting on 22 April, but we’re planning for every scenario so that we have a resilient system and are taking this opportunity to invest in closing the digital divide.
That means, in education, developing robust distance learning infrastructure so that learners and ākonga don’t miss out in any scenario, such as alert levels moving up and down or schools, kura and ECEs or kōhanga and puna reo having to stay closed for longer.
This week we have begun the dispatch of devices and hard copy resources. The first devices and modems are being dispatched this week, and the first tranche of hard copy deliveries will make their way to homes on Thursday and will continue on Tuesday next week.
NB: If you have been identified as not having a device or the ability to engage in on-line learning at home you will be eligible to receive this support and resources from the Ministry.
Before we went into lock down we surveyed our student body regarding their ability to work in an on-line space from home, we looked at this information again earlier this week and passed on information to the Ministry to ensure we can assist with whanau who have no devices or internet access at home.
Starting this week, the Ministry is rolling out an extensive, four-channel package to provide at least one distance-learning option for all families by 15 April.
The Ministry are also looking to support nga kura katoa in the following ways….
• increasing the number of students and ākonga who have access to connectivity and devices by an estimated 2000 this week (limited by the number of modems available)
• supporting where they can with hard copy materials for different year levels
• a range of NCEA subject-specific hard-copy resources for delivery to years 11-13 students and ākonga
• more online resources for schools and kura, parents, ākonga and whānau available through the Learning from Home and Ki te Ao Mārama websites
• PLD to support teachers and kaiako, tumuaki and leaders to work remotely with their students, ākonga and whānau
• TV channels in English and te reo Māori offering learning programmes for learners from early learning to year 10
• Extending access to the Virtual Learning Network.
We are also fast-tracking ways to connect Learning Support Coordinators with families and whānau remotely.
NB/ Please note whanau you are NOT expected to replace your child’s teacher. Our staff are experts in the practice of teaching and learning, and the supports articulated in this panui are intended to supplement and enable the learning programmes we are delivering to our tamariki, students and ākonga.
Home learning television
(From The Ministry of Education via our Minister of Education: Chris Hipkins)
We want to ensure that every learner and ākonga has at least one channel for accessing educational content from 15 April – either through this package or through their school or kura.
So, we have been working with teachers and leaders, alongside staff from ERO and Te Kura to develop Home Learning TV | Papa Kāinga TV, on TVNZ, which will run from 9am to 3pm on school days on TVNZ2+1 and Sky channel 502. Some lessons will also be available on TVNZ On Demand.
There will be content for parents and whānau with preschool children and tamariki, and lessons for those aged 5 to 15 years of age will cover a broad curriculum that includes movement, music, physical education, wellbeing, numeracy, literacy and science through an integrated approach to curriculum. There’s already a lot of good education video content available, and the Ministry will be working with experts and educators to refine and further develop it.
Thank you to those of you who have agreed to release your teachers and kaiako to deliver these lessons – we know that for most of them live television will be unlike anything they have done before, and we’re very grateful for their willingness to be part of this initiative to broadcast learning into the homes of children and young people across the country.
We have also been working with Māori Television to make distance learning accessible for all ākonga and whānau. The programmes on Māori Television are for reo Māori learners of all ages, with a focus on those who are aged 0-18, covering ākonga in kōhungahunga (early learning), kura tuatahi (primary) and wharekura (secondary).
Programming will be tailored to specific age groups of reo Māori learners throughout the day from 9am to 3pm. It will be aligned to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and contain age appropriate content that tamariki can do on their own, with their siblings or together as a whānau. Content will focus on building skills in speaking te reo Māori and ensure that te reo Māori is being spoken and heard in the home.
We will be putting information about the programme scheduling on the Learning from Home website early next week this will help teachers be able to connect with learners who are accessing these programmes.
Hard packs
We have had a lot of requests for learning material hard packs for learners and there are limits on what we can provide immediately. The first tranche of deliveries will make their way to homes on Thursday and will continue on Tuesday next week. You will receive a confirmation email of who has been sent a pack. Content of the packs is on the Learning from Home Website, this is to help teachers interact with students with their learning activities.
Access to devices and connectivity
In our email to schools and kura last week, we indicated how we will prioritise the rollout of devices and hard copy materials. We will reach students and ākonga and households in waves, with an initial focus on connecting students and ākonga in senior secondary school working towards NCEA – to minimise disruption for those working towards a qualification – and on those with greatest need due to disadvantage. The first devices and modems are being dispatched this week.
Where we are unable to immediately connect a household with the internet or get a device to a student, we will be working with schools and kura to provide hard-copy learning materials direct to homes where possible. The first of these will leave the warehouse this week.
Extending access to the Virtual Learning Network Community (VLNC)
We are funding more places for students to receive direct teaching from experienced e-teachers though the VLNC during term 2.
This means that students, and especially those from rural, remote or small schools can take part in classes or programmes that their own schools are not able to offer.
The Learning from Home website will provide links to enable schools to enrol students in either primary or secondary provision.
The VLNC will also offer support to teachers who are setting up their own online learning classes.
Stay safe whanau
Please keep a look out for our regular updates and help pass on the message to our whanau, through a non-physical way, that may not have access to the internet etc….
Ngā mihi maioha
Phil Gordon
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