Enrolments for 2025
Please use our online Enrolment form to enrol your child for 2025
Kelston Intermediate is operating an Enrolment Zone from the beginning of 2023. To find out what this means for your child please visit our Enrolment Zone page. Key enrolment dates can also be found on that page.
Families wishing to enrol their child in a Bilingual class can find more information here.
Please contact our school office if you have any problems accessing or completing the online Enrolment form.
For any enquiries about enrolling your child at Kelston Intermediate for 2025 please contact the school office on 818 5544 or email office@kelstonint.school.nz
Office Opening Times
The school office is open daily from 8.00am to 3.30pm.
Please see the Uniforms page for information regarding uniform items for 2025.
Stationary packs can only be purchased at the school office. Stationery packs are $50
Please contact the school office on 818 5544, or email office@kelstonint.school.nz if you have any questions.
Enrolment Procedures
If you are enrolling during the year for an immediate start:
Step 1: Contact the school by:
• visiting the office or
• phoning 818 5544 or
• emailing office@kelstonint.school.nz
Step 2: Complete an Enrolment form (online or at the office)
Step 3: Supply proof of birth date (eg. birth certificate / valid passport or visa)
Step 4: Supply proof of address (power bill, phone bill, bank statement etc)
Step 5: Read and sign the school Digital Use Agreement
Step 6: Meet with the principal (if required)
In your meeting with the principal you will finalise a start date and any issues surrounding the enrolment.
If you are enrolling during the year but not starting until the beginning of the next year:
Complete our online Enrolment form (please contact the office if you have any problems accessing or completing this online)
During the online enrolment process you will need to upload copies of the birth certificate or passport, and read and accept the Digital Use Agreement.
If you would like to have a visit around the school and discuss your child’s enrolment, please contact the school office and arrange for an interview.